Kaito Momota in places he shouldn't be!

this account is inspired by @whereisgoro and the many other twitter accounts following in its footsteps!In this account Kaito Momota is put into random images of places and pieces of media.You can submit your own edits, or request edits, through DMs!Also RP is fine I'll be talking as if I'm kaito like 80% of the time.

Submission guidelines!

you can submit your own edit, or request an edit, via DMs.

for submitting your own image:

  • Send your own edit

  • Detail what the place/media you put him in is (so I can caption accordingly)

  • Specify if you'd like to be credited or not

for submitting a request:

  • Detail the place/media you would like to see

  • If possible, provide an image you would like me to put him in (not required, but definitly appreciated!)

  • Specify if you'd like to be credited or not

General rules:

  • Please don't submit NSFW! This includes heavy gore, (DR levels of gore are ok! I mean, Kaito has many bloody sprites lol. Those are fine. Just use your judgement with this.)

  • This account is just for fun! So let's have fun! Don't be mean.